Dandelion Sleeve Buttons


Made in the USA

Sleeve buttons were used on the sleeves of men’s shirts and women’s shifts from the early 18th to the early 19th century. Cuff links are often confused with sleeve buttons but are structurally different and the term post dates sleeve buttons. Sleeve buttons have been found in such numbers at archaeological sites from Ft. Michilimackinac, Michigan to Williamsburg, Virginia since people of all economic standing wore sleeve buttons. In this print Jack, Hove Down – With a Grog Blossom Fever a sailor wears sleeve buttons. Sleeve buttons were issued to soldiers of many military regiments including the 17th of Foot in 1776 and the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment in 1778. These buttons are made of the highest quality pewter 1/2″ buttons copied from an original in a private collection. For example in 1773 in The Virginia Gazette an ad included “RUN away . . .  two WHITE SERVANT MEN, namely . . .  an indented Servant . . .  he is by Trade a Butcher, and can do many other Things, such as Gardening and Farming . . .  can read, write, and keep Accounts . . .  He . . .  took with him . . .  a Parcel of Rings and Sleeve Buttons for Sale.”.

The picture shows the sleeve buttons front and reverse. We sell these buttons by the set which includes enough buttons for one shirt. In other words two pairs of buttons each pair connected.

930 in stock

SKU: 293 Category: