Housewife c. 1750-1780


Made in the USA

Housewives were used as sewing kits throughout the 18th and 19th centuries to hold sewing tools, thread, thimble, money, and jewelry. Usually owned by women, housewives may have been used as sewing kits for soldiers, sailors, and single men. Our housewives are completely hand sewn of samples of beautiful 100% linen, wool, and cotton. Three pockets allow you to store your needlework tools or money with a wool pin cushion at the top. Although each one is individually made they measure approximately 4″ by 10 1/2″ and fold to 4″ by 3″. Since each is made by hand fabrics and sizes very. In The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London of 1732 “We searched her, and found 7 Guineas, 5 s. and 6 d. and a Gold Ring in a Housewife in her Pocket”.

In our picture we have attempted to show some items that may have been found in a housewife of the second half of the 18th century. All these items are sold separately.

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