
Remnant Dark Brown Wool, WWB 880, 1/2 yard long

Original price was: $16.48.Current price is: $15.00.

100% Wool, 15 oz, 60″ Wide


This is a thinly woven, firm dark chocolate colored woolen with a good nap on both sides. This might be called a superfine although it is not as tight and firm. Brown broadcloths are very commonly described in the 18th and early 19th centuries and are depicted in many New England men’s portraits as suits in the 18th century. In The Providence Gazette in 1772 Rhode Island, “RAN away . . .  a bound Servant . . .  had on, and took with him . . .  a dark brown Broadcloth double-brested short Jacket . . .  He can work at Farming Business, has worked in a Forge, and is give n to Gaming, mostly Hustlecap.” cited in Taylor, Runaways, Deserters, and Notorious Villains From Rhode Island Newspapers Volume 1, 2001. Black linen thread 35/2 will be the best match for hand sewing. For hand sewing button holes try the brown quilter’s thread or dark brown buttonhole twist.

1 in stock

SKU: 90-1 Categories: ,

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Weight 0.8 lbs