Size 18-28 Lined Jacket or Caraco ca. 1770-1785



Fig Leaf

Made in the USA


The original garment was likely worn in the Connecticut area in the 1770s but was made of a slik brocade dated to the 1730s. Later in the 1780s the jacket was reenforced. This is an interesting full size pattern with complete directions and a description and pictures of the original. In The Virginia Gazette of 1771, “Run away . . .  a Negro Wench . . .  had on when she went away a black Yarn Serge Jacket” as cited in Wives, Slaves, and Servant Girls.

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A jacket requires about 1 1/3 yard (6 quarters) of stripe linensilkworsted, or printed cotton. The lining requires the same 1 1/3 yard (6 quarters) linen.  The sleeve cuff contrast requires about 1/2 yard (2 quarters) of stripe linensilkworsted, or printed cotton. Some fabrics such as stripes & printed cottons will require more yardage to keep the pattern running in the correct direction. All yardages are only suggestions & are at your discretion.

Notions required include a spool of 60/2 linen thread or 80/3 linen thread to match & 3 1/3 yard ribbon for jacket sleeve & bottom trim. The original front has 3 yards of plain twill ribbon, but a variation calls for 3 yards fancy ribbon & 3 sets of ribbon ties. Another variation allows you to close the front with medium pins for finer fabrics, large pins for heavier fabrics or hooks & eyes.