Madder Red Wool, WWV 665


100% Wool, ~20 oz., 60″ Wide


Madder red, coming from a root, was a less expensive dye than cochineal, coming from insects, which made a brilliant scarlet. Madder on the other hand resulted in an orangy red & was used for the enlisted British regimental coats.  This madder has a fair nap. Madder broadcloth was used for mid century British small clothes, coats & jackets but was often used for civilian men’s coats, greatcoats, jackets, waistcoats & breeches or for a woman’s cloak. For example by personal communication with Mike Barbieri, in The Boston Evening Post, of 1775 “Ran away . . . a Molatto Lad . . . had on when he want away . . . three Jackets, an old red Broad Cloth one without Sleeves, an old blue one, and a new Sheeps black one.” Madder red 50/3 linen thread for hand sewing matches this fabric. For sewing button holes try madder red silk button hole twist.

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