Blue and White Stripe 5/16″ Linen, WLG 216
100% Linen, 5 oz, 57″ Wide
Blue and white stripes are some of the most commonly described in runaway accounts and seen in swatch books. They were commonly used for women’s petticoats, jackets, and gowns. Men’s waistcoats and shirts as well as an occasional lining were also made of blue and white stripe linen. From personal communication with Mike Barbieri in the 1768 The New-London Gazette, an ad included “Run-away . . . a Negro Woman . . . carried off with her one home-spun check’d Woollen Gown, one blue and white striped Linen Ditto”. White linen thread for hand sewing and white cotton twill tape would work well for this material.
500 in stock