Italian Cotton Muslin, WCN 111


100% Cotton, 45″ Wide


This fine Italian cotton is perfect for ruffled and gathered caps & fine ruffles on shirts! Today this fabric is called organdy, but historically was a type of muslin often referred to as book muslin. Italian book muslin is a medium grade & one step up from that listed as just book muslin. This fine stiff cotton was used to make shirt & shift ruffles, women’s caps, aprons & handkerchiefs starting in about the 1760s & continuing to the present. Book muslin has a crisp look and holds its shape well. In The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London of 1784, one woman “was indicted for feloniously stealing . . .  one book muslin half handkerchief, value 6 d.” For hand sewing use 60/2 off white linen thread or fine silk thread.

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